Apr 9, 2019

Apr 4, 2019

Jan 7, 2019

Nov 14, 2018

Aug 30, 2018

Jun 21, 2018
Confession, I have never really been a patient person. It’s one of those traits that I am actively working on and this year I have really tried to remind myself why patience is key. It seems it’s something that we really need to have to live life to the fullest.
With setbacks being part of life, here are some reminders that help me build patience;
- Remember the big picture
Too often we get caught up disappointed in the small things, or the detail. Remember the big picture ‘your life blueprint’. And if that doesn’t inspire you enough, then build a new one.
- Do small things that make you happy
It can be those small things that bring you joy that help offset the struggle, or issues you are facing that can help you build your patience.
- Remember the tides will change
Life can change in the blink of an eye, so don’t get too caught up in situations and let them mean more than they are.
- See problems/ delays as opportunities for something greater
This is one of the biggest for me and can be the hardest! If you can see things from the perspective of helping larger and greater things happen, you can work life to support you even when it feels opposite.
- Perseverance is key
If you give up because you aren’t getting where you want fast enough, then you miss out! Change your game plan when you feel stagnant, but don’t stop actively working towards what you want. If you keen persevering with patience, you will more forward and progress.
Anyone with tips for patience please let me know.
Hope everyone has a great week!