Apr 9, 2019
Apr 4, 2019
Jan 7, 2019
Nov 14, 2018
Aug 30, 2018
Jun 21, 2018
We all have setbacks but also comebacks and a comeback is not a go back. Let this fuel you to move forward in the direction of what you want.
When we go through times of adversity, it is important to let yourself feel the emotions you are processing. Adversity often comes in many shapes, sizes and quite often through people.
Here are some keys to help deal with all kinds of adversity;
1. Gratitude.
When you focus on the appreciation for the things in your life that make you happy, that are positive in the light of adversity, this transforms your focus onto that which builds your strength.
2. Perspective.
Look back to worse times and what you have already overcome. Look at the world and how things could be (often worse off in some way). I know that is hard, but if you can think of all the things above that you are grateful for, then you know things can be worse.
“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” - Mahatma Gandhi
3. Fuel.
Without knowing it, adversity builds strength in all of us. This strength is fuel to drive you to be closer to where you are trying to go.
4. Focus on what you can control.
We can only control ourselves. Taking 100% responsibility for your actions and reactions gives you more power than you realise. Focus on what you can do in the situation, not how others are acting.
"Turn your wounds into wisdom." - Oprah
Investing time to build our resilience helps us thrive and live life to the fullest.
I would love to hear what has helped in your times of adversity.