We all have days that we question ourselves, our lives and what we are doing. I find it can be overwhelming at times. Learning to get in tune with what really matters helps me deal with the stress and distractions.
So I have been doing this 3/3 rule (that’s what I call it) and it keeps me in line with my values and goals.
Every day in the morning or before bed I try to mentally focus on;
1. Focus on 3 things I am grateful for; this can be specific like ‘my bed’, a friend of family member, or an accomplishment at work. It ranges- as it should. I try to change it up and not repeat the same 3 every time so it keeps me focusing on all the great things in my life.
2. Focus on 3 things I want to achieve; this should be broad also. I usually try to refer to the next day or upcoming week. Example goals: Kick ass in a meeting, tick X off my to do list, live in the moment of an event, visit a family member, kill the gym etc.
This has worked for me in centring me in times where life is changing at a fast pace. It’s my form of mindfulness that has helped.
Share with me any ideas that you do like this as I would love to know.